Monday, December 28, 2009

Jesus Come to Earth as Man.

Jesus, the Messiah;
son of God, son of Mary.
Emmanuel, Redeemer, King!
Hope for the world; Joy of man's desire.
Prince of peace,
Word made flesh.

What magnificence veiled
as a child - a little baby.

Let us this season keep our hearts open
to see the truth of God's incredible love for mankind.

Who am I that my Lord should come to me?

That he would humble himself
and become man,
one like us,
to bring us to the Father.

Jesus - Giver of life - Lover of my soul - Come quickly!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Happy Spring!

Every morning I am awakened by the beautiful song of the many winged creatures that dwell in the surrounding trees, bushes, and foliage. Spring is such a wonderful time of year! Sometimes I think that I don't like living in Michigan because the winters are so hard, but when spring comes . . . I am delirious! Somehow I just don't think that spring would feel as it does if it hadn't followed a winter such as we have. Don't get me wrong. The dull, grey, short days of winter can bring on a melancholy that shrouds my very life, it seems. But on those days that I am able to raise my eyes above, and put my attention on invisible realities, I am lifted from my lethargy and infused with a joyful desire to love my creator and his creation. Instead of seeing the dark, cold, bitter side of things, I can be drawn to His inner warmth, which sparkles out of me, almost unknowingly!

And I am glad that for now winter is over, and spring is here.