Dear Friends,
Three and a half years ago, my son Tony died. He was only 21, and although I expected that he had a long and beautiful life ahead of him, I was now faced with a much different reality. My heart was broken that day, never to return to its original state, but lacking the despair that could have easily overcome my being. To be sure, my husband and other children were my rocks, my family and friends my pillars, and my therapist the agent of sanity. But I have also known the intimacy of love from Jesus, and from His mother, Mary, and through them the Holy Spirit and the Father. Today I want to share one of them with you.
Throughout these years of enduring grief, I have experienced glimpses of God's nurturing love. One of these times was in this prayer that I have recited and pondered and sought insight on. "Make holy, therefore, these gifts, we pray, by sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall."
The first time I heard this in the newly revised Eucharistic prayers, I was very moved, and continue to be. Like the dewfall. God's Spirit, the Holy Spirit, is being called forth to cover every part of our being. To soak us in His gentle and permeating love. To cover us by His very breath. Where else has the Spirit breathed on us? As we anticipate the great feast of Pentecost, I am in awe of the beauty of these words. Lord, breathe on me! In continuing to ponder, the Holy Spirit gives us insight:
"Make holy, therefore ... " We are offering the Lord our humble and simple gifts of plain bread and wine, knowing that He will transform them into His very body and blood, soul and divinity! He will make them Holy. He will gladly take our meager offering and cause it to become the very bread of life!
"...we pray..." We join our voices and hearts in unity with each other and with all those around the whole world who are offering the same prayer, and ask Jesus to dwell in the host and in the cup and transform not just the bread and wine, but also us who consume Him. He will transform us, He wants to pour Himself out for us in order that we might have life, and have it abundantly! We pray with Him as He offers Himself to the Father and to us.
..."sending down your Spirit upon them like the dewfall." What a beautiful image. My heart is transported to the memory of a beautiful day where the dewfall lingers long into the morning, gleaming and reflecting and sparkling. A gentle mist rises, and slowly dissipates as the sun steadily ascends and covers the land. Isn't this what He prays for us? That we be covered. That we be fully alive! That we reflect His great love and kindness and generosity and hope, and literally sparkle with joy! As the darkness descends and the light appears, I have no doubt that Jesus will be there with full attendance to your every need. He will quench your thirst, and satisfy His as well. He will cloak us with His glory, with His beauty and hold us in His loving embrace.
Jesus knows your pain. He knows your grief. He knows every heartache, hardship, pain and sorrow that you bear. I encourage you to ask Him for His help and His guidance. Only a short prayer, a short phrase is sufficient. "Jesus, I believe. Help my unbelief." or "Jesus, I trust in you." or "Jesus, show yourself to me."