I am caught up as in another dimension when thinking about how each baby, hidden within the cradle of the womb is so pure, so beautiful, so utterly valuable. How each little precious one is made in the image of the Creator, and how when a mother chooses to abort, we are all cheated. This baby, this little person, bore the very image of God in a way that no one else ever will; and it is He who is stolen from us.
I hear people talk about how the babies lost through abortion could have been our future president, or a famous scientist that would discover the cure for some disease, or a great philanthropist or humanitarian, a Nobel peace prize recipient, or even a future Pope! But more profound than any of those possibilities, is that now we will never see that particular facet of God. For we are each made in the Image and Likeness of our Creator, and each of us bears His resemblance in a way that no one else ever will. And so, we are all cheated.
How is it that we have come to believe that this little one is now subject to another's decision on whether life should even be granted? I think all of this is on my mind today especially, because I woke at 5 AM on Wednesday morning, November 7th, looked at my phone, saw that our country had re-elected President Obama, and just prayed. I didn't listen to the news for the rest of the day, because I wanted to hear the still small voice that I have come to love, and didn't want it drowned out. What I heard, loud and clear, was: "Be Not Afraid: I Have Overcome the World." I am not trying to make a political point here. What I am saying is that I believe that President Obama does not seem to value life in the way that I think God wants us to, and has been quite clear about his intent to legalize abortion, mandatory contraception, and the like, and that causes me great concern.
I think we are desperate to be known, to be loved, to be accepted for who we are. To be welcomed, respected, cared for and appreciated. It seems to me that for some of these very reasons, women are afraid to bring a child into the world. The sacrifice to their social lives, their careers, their plans, their sense of "belonging" in this world looms large and their judgment is suddenly and significantly compromised. Fear has entered, and fear knows no bounds. Fear can deceive, can blind, can confuse. Fear can motivate, empower, and enrage. Fear can cause us to feel that we are not ourselves, Fear can manipulate our minds into rationalizations that we would have never thought possible for us, and convince us to make choices we would usually never make.
Let's not let fear be our dictator! Let's take courage! Let's respect, care for, accept, love, and welcome this little one. Let's find ways to help moms to choose life. To support them, love them, care for them, respect them. And let's never forget the beauty of the absolute crown of veiled magnificence, the little babe, snuggled in the cradle of the womb.